Camp Wish List


Horizon Camp would not be possible if it were not for the immense generosity of donors like you. 100% of the items donated go directly to those attending Horizon Camp. Thank for doing your part in making this the best week of the year for so many.

If you wish to buy an item off the list at a local store and bring it to camp, please email and let us know.

Important Amazon Ordering Tip: 
Please be sure to select “Viki Peer’s Gift Registry Address” for the shipping address so that items can be delivered to our donations coordinator.

The complete list of items can be found by clicking on our Amazon Wishlist link below. Thank you for your support!

To learn more about how to donate items for camp, contact Wish List at

Want to contribute to Horizon’s camp supplies but don’t have time to shop?  No problem. Make a monetary donation, and mark “camp donations” as the donation type. Your donation will go toward supporting Horizon Summer Camp.

Association of Horizon is a tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Association of Horizon Tax ID Number is 36-3814090.